Chelsea Event Space & Kitchen


Living room floorplan

Studio Specifications

Price for 10 Hours$3500 for 7 and $2200 for 8 for 10 hours
Hours of Operation8 a.m. - 6 p.m. or 9 a.m. - 7 p.m.
Studio Lighting & Grip RequiredNo
G&E Included in Studio PriceGrip Equipment Available
Video & Audio Podcasting Studio (s)no
Additional G&E AvailableAdditional Grip Equipment Available
White Cyc 12' Seamlessno
Hard 3 Wall Green CycNo
OK To Paint CycWall
Cost to Paint /Repaint Cyc$1,000
Number of Cyc Walls0
Hard Cyc0
Cyc Height0
Cyc Dimentions0
Daylight on Cyc Wall0
Blackout CurtainsIn Kitchens
Seamless Paper & SupportCan order
Quiet for Sound RecordingYes
Cyc Prelit?no
Studio ManagerYes
Lighting Gridno
Type of Jibno
Type of Sliderno
Drive-In Stageno
Freight Elevatoryes
Freight Elevator Hours24/7
Power in AMPS15/20 or Distro box
Distro Boxyes
Quiet Airconditioningno
Qualifies For State Tax Incentivesno
LED Wallno
XR / Unequal Engine In-Houseno
Crew Availableno
Control Roomno
Green Roomno
Makeup RoomHMU Tables
Coffee MachineYes
Dressing RoomsNo
Clothing RackYes
Ironing Board & IronYes
Set ShopNo
Rooftop for Shooting / Drone LaunchRooftop upon request
WebCasting no
Internet / WiFiYes
Internet Speed in MB1gb up and down
Shoot-in KitchenYes
Shoot-in BathroomNo
Standing SetsNo
Teleprompter upon requestFrom Amercian Movie Co.
MonitorsUpon Request in house or American Movie Co.
Photography GearYes
Load-In DockNo
Chairs AvailableYes upon request
ParkingLots close by
Smoking Area OutsideIn front of building

Chelsea Event Space Studio A